Visual representation of using AI to find new topics for your podcast

Are you running out of new topics for your podcast? Have you considered leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm new content?


There are many benefits to collaborating with ChatGPT. It can provide you with unique and fresh perspectives, help you explore a wide range of options quickly, and even introduce you to new concepts and trends in your area of expertise.


By tailoring suggestions to your target audience and sparking inspiration, ChatGPT enables you to engage listeners, stay relevant, and overcome creative blocks in your podcasting journey.


So, what’s the best approach to using ChatGPT as a brainstorming partner for new topics for your podcast?

1. Start by providing some general information about your podcast. Tell ChatGPT the genre or niche of your show, the target audience, and any specific themes or areas of interest you typically cover.


2. Ask ChatGPT for suggestions related to your podcast. You can start with a broad question like, “What are some interesting podcast topics in [your podcast’s genre/niche]?” or “Can you suggest some engaging podcast topics for [your target audience]?”


3. If you have any specific areas you’d like to explore, feel free to mention them. For example, if you want to focus on current trends, you could ask, “What are some trending topics that would be great for a podcast episode?”


4. Ask follow-up questions to dig deeper into the suggestions provided. You can ask for more details or ask ChatGPT to elaborate on certain topics. This can help you evaluate if a topic aligns well with your podcast or if it sparks further ideas.


5. Take notes and compile a list of potential topics that interest you. Review the suggestions, consider your audience’s preferences, and select the ones that resonate most with you and fit the overall theme and purpose of your podcast.

Remember that while ChatGPT can generate numerous topic ideas, it’s important to exercise your judgment in selecting topics that align with your podcast’s goals and appeal to your audience.


It’s also a good idea to research and validate the suggested topics further before finalizing them for your podcast.


Let’s take a look at an example. When I give ChatGPT the following prompt:

I have a podcast about leadership. My target audience is young people who aspire to C-suite positions and entrepreneurs who are building teams of their own. We typically cover topics like effective communication, building trust, problem solving, and bringing out the best in people. Can you suggest some other engaging podcast topics for my audience of aspiring leaders?

Here’s ChatGPT’s response:

Certainly! Here are some engaging podcast topics for your audience of aspiring leaders in the realm of C-suite positions and entrepreneurship:


1. “Navigating the Challenges of Remote Leadership: Strategies for Leading Distributed Teams Effectively”

2. “The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Building Stronger Relationships and Inspiring Teams”

3. “Innovation and Adaptability: How to Foster a Culture of Creativity and Continuous Improvement”

4. “Mastering the Art of Decision Making: Strategies for Effective and Confident Leadership”

5. “Developing Resilience as a Leader: Overcoming Setbacks and Bouncing Back Stronger”

6. “Ethical Leadership: Balancing Success with Integrity and Values”

7. “Leading Through Change: Strategies for Managing Organizational Transitions Successfully”

8. “The Role of Mentorship in Leadership Development: Seeking Guidance and Paying It Forward”

9. “Building High-Performing Teams: Strategies for Hiring, Developing, and Retaining Top Talent”

10. “The Impact of Authentic Leadership: Being True to Yourself While Inspiring Others”



These topics cover a range of relevant areas for aspiring leaders, including remote leadership, emotional intelligence, innovation, decision making, resilience, ethics, change management, mentorship, team building, and authentic leadership. Feel free to explore these ideas further and adapt them to fit the specific aspects you wish to emphasize in your podcast episodes.

Now, let’s say I want to research a new topic idea further. I follow up by saying:


I like option 3, “Innovation and Adaptability: How to Foster a Culture of Creativity and Continuous Improvement.” Can you give me more information about this topic? What are some strategies a leader might use to build a culture that encourages creativity and continuous improvement?

And here’s the result:

Certainly! Building a culture of creativity and continuous improvement is crucial for leaders who aspire to foster innovation within their teams. Here are some strategies that can be employed to encourage such a culture:


1. Foster Psychological Safety: Create an environment where team members feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and express themselves without fear of judgment or negative consequences. Encourage open communication and make it clear that mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities rather than failures.


2. Encourage Collaboration and Diverse Perspectives: Emphasize the value of collaboration and actively seek input from team members with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Encouraging brainstorming sessions, cross-functional projects, and diverse teams can lead to fresh ideas and innovative solutions.


3. Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Clearly communicate the organization’s goals and expectations, providing a sense of purpose and direction. When team members understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture, they are more likely to take ownership and proactively seek ways to improve and innovate.


4. Allocate Time and Resources for Innovation: Dedicate specific time or resources for employees to work on innovative projects or explore new ideas. This could include regular “innovation time” or allowing employees to allocate a portion of their work hours to pursue creative initiatives.


5. Lead by Example: Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and creativity by modeling the behaviors you want to see in your team. Encourage experimentation, embrace new ideas, and be open to feedback. By showcasing your own willingness to learn and adapt, you create a culture that encourages others to do the same.


6. Recognize and Reward Innovation: Acknowledge and celebrate innovative ideas and efforts within the team. Recognize individuals or teams who generate creative solutions or contribute to continuous improvement. This fosters a positive feedback loop and motivates others to actively engage in the process.


7. Provide Learning and Development Opportunities: Support the growth and development of your team members by providing opportunities for learning, training, and acquiring new skills. This can include workshops, conferences, mentoring programs, or access to online resources that foster creativity and innovation.



Remember, building a culture of creativity and continuous improvement is an ongoing process. It requires consistent effort, support, and reinforcement from leaders to sustain and nurture an environment where innovation can thrive.

That looks like a pretty good outline for a podcast episode, doesn’t it? As the host, I might spend a few minutes coming up with case studies form my own experience or following up with ChatGPT for examples if necessary.

For instance, I may be unfamiliar with the idea of allocating dedicated ‘innovation time’ to employees and ask ChatGPT:

Can you tell me more about number 4, allocating time and resources for innovation? Are there companies that have had success dedicating regular ‘innovation time’ to employees? Or examples of products or services that were birthed through this method of promoting creativity among teams?

And within seconds, ChatGPT gives me the following information:

Certainly! Allocating dedicated time and resources for innovation is a strategy that has been successfully implemented by several companies. One prominent example is Google’s famous “20% time” policy, where employees were encouraged to spend 20% of their work time on projects outside of their core responsibilities. This policy led to the development of innovative products such as Gmail, Google News, and AdSense.


Another well-known example is 3M’s “15% time” policy, which allows employees to use 15% of their work time for pursuing their own projects and ideas. This policy has resulted in significant innovations, including the creation of Post-it Notes.


Atlassian, an Australian software company, has a similar concept called “ShipIt Days” or “FedEx Days.” During these events, employees have 24 hours to work on any project of their choice, unrelated to their usual tasks. This initiative has fostered creativity and led to the development of new features and products.


In addition to these specific examples, many organizations across different industries have implemented variations of dedicated innovation time. They recognize that giving employees the freedom and resources to explore their own ideas can lead to breakthrough innovations, improvements, and increased employee engagement.


It’s worth noting that while dedicating time for innovation can be fruitful, it’s important to strike a balance with regular work responsibilities and ensure that the innovation time aligns with the overall goals and strategies of the organization. Providing a framework, guidance, and channels for employees to share and collaborate on their innovative projects can also enhance the effectiveness of this approach.


By allowing employees to pursue their passions, explore new ideas, and experiment, companies have seen significant benefits in terms of creative outputs, employee satisfaction, and the development of innovative products or services.

Pretty cool, right? In just a few minutes, I have a good list of topic ideas and the outline for a full episode.


So, yes, leveraging ChatGPT to brainstorm and research new subject matter for a podcast offers significant benefits, but it’s important to be mindful of its limitations.


AI tools can provide fresh perspectives, save time, and help explore trends. However, it’s crucial to exercise judgment, validate suggestions, and align topics with your podcast’s goals.


Additionally, AI-generated ideas may lack contextual understanding, require further research, and need human evaluation for suitability and authenticity.


But by combining AI’s capabilities with human expertise, podcasters can unlock the full potential of this powerful tool for generating engaging content.

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